Tag: Public Relations
If we’re a product of our environment, we couldn’t be happier. Check out our new space in Houston, Texas.
As we kick off a new month, check out our marketing and public relations insights for interesting perspectives on branding, microbusinesses and work-from-home trends.
Corporate social responsibility has become a critical element in marketing and public relations plans, particularly during times of social strife. Cue COVID-19, Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ rights. Businesses, brands and celebrities have pivoted to focus on social responsibility and have been communicating their actions through advertising, social media and PR. While consumers have long memories, keeping up with which brand has done what – or nothing at all – and the outcomes get lost in the noise of communications. Did They Help? is a website that documents how brands and celebrities have been reacting to recent social issues and helps consumers track what’s being said and done, and by whom.
Just when you think some sense of normalcy is on the horizon, the world proves you wrong. As we ride the roller coaster, one of the best things we can do for ourselves and others — besides wearing a mask — is to keep learning. I hope you find this week’s marketing, advertising and public relations information insightful.